Online mentoring course

Quick links:
Introduction | Mentoring – What is it? | Mentoring Skills | Mentee Attribute | Building Rapport | Tools and Summing-up

Welcome to our mentoring online course. We hope you have a great mentoring experience and find this online course beneficial in supporting your mentoring relationship.

This mentoring resource was developed in conjunction with the UoL OD&PL Team

Introduction to Shared Characteristics and Interests Mentoring

In this video we offer an overview of the EPSRC project and set out the objectives of the mentoring online course. 

Introduction to Shared Characteristics and Interests Mentoring

Mentoring handbook guide

This handbook / guide walks you through the mentoring process and supports you to build an effective mentoring relationship. Throughout it posses key questions for consideration, reflection, and to help you find new answers.

Shared characteristics taxonomy

This taxonomy will help you understand what shared characteristics are commonly understood to mean.

Structure and resource links

This document gives the overall structure of this online course, alongside some additional resource links for those who would like a bit more of the detail. 

Quiz – Shared Characteristics Mentoring

Take the quiz to test your knowledge (opens in a new window)

Mentoring – What is it?

In this video we define mentoring, through questioning what it is and what it is not.

Mentoring – what is it? Download transcript

Quiz – Mentoring – What is it?

Take the quiz to test your knowledge (opens in a new window)

Mentoring Skills

In this video we look at mentoring skills, questioning what we think the core skills required are to be an effective mentor. We offer six core skills, and in this first video we look at listening, questioning and non-verbal communication.

Mentoring skills 1. Download transcript

In this second video on mentoring skills we look at affirmation, eliciting change talk and summarising for change.

Mentoring skills 2. Download transcript

Mentoring Skills self-assessment

Please take a few moments to complete a mentoring skills self-assessment. This will aid you in identifying the areas you might need to develop to enhance the effectiveness of the mentoring relationship.

Communications Skills self-assessment

We have attached a communication skills self-assessment to raise your awareness around communication, and help enhance your communication skills. This self-assessment is suitable for both mentors and mentees.

Quiz – Mentoring skills

Take the quiz to test your knowledge (opens in a new window)

Mentee Attributes

In the next four videos we look at mentee attributes. This first one covers being motivated to succeed, utilising the able / willing matrix.

Mentee attributes 1. Download transcript

DISC Activity (sheet 1)

Please do this aspect of the activity before looking at sheet 2.

This short activity should help you identify your key personality traits, and so your default approach / behaviours.

DISC Activity (sheet 2)

Please do not look at this sheet until you have completed sheet 1.

This short activity should help you identify your key personality traits, and so your default approach / behaviours.

In this second mentee attributes video we look at developing a positive mental attitude and what this might mean for gaining and understanding of our own personalities, using DISC psychometrics as developed through Dr. William Marston.

Mentee attributes 2. Download transcript

In this third mentee attributes video we consider the need to be open to learning, and developing a Growth mindset as identified in the work of Dr. Caroline Dweck.

Mentee attributes 3. Download transcript

Urgent / Important Matrix

We have attached the urgent / important matrix to support your immediate time management and long term developmental focus.

Mindset / DISC Activity

We have attached this mindset / DISC activity to raise your awareness around the connection between these areas, and help enhance your future development.

In the final of the four videos related to mentee attributes we look at issues around honesty, respect and again revisit communication.

Mentee attributes 4. Download transcript

Mentee Attributes self-assessment

Please take a few moments to complete a mentee attributes self-assessment. This will aid you in identifying the areas you might need to develop to enhance the effectiveness of the mentoring relationship.

Quiz – Mentoring Attributes

Take the quiz to test your knowledge (opens in a new window)

Building Rapport

In the next two videos we look at building rapport. In this first one we address appearance and touch on the issue of unconscious bias, finding common ground and showing and interest (and being curious).

Building rapport 1. Download transcript

Curiosity Self-assessment

We have attached a curiosity self-assessment to raise your awareness around this area, and help enhance active curiosity building.

In this second video we look at empathy (and emotional intelligence), mirroring and matching, and we return once more to communication.

Building rapport 2. Download transcript

Rapport Self-assessment

Please take a few moments to complete the rapport self-assessment. This will aid you in identifying the areas you might need to develop to enhance the effectiveness of the mentoring relationship.

Refining Your EQ

We have attached an EQ questionnaire and activity sheet to raise your awareness around this aspect, and help enhance your emotional intelligence.

Quiz – Building Rapport

Take the quiz to test your knowledge (opens in a new window)

Tools and Summing-up

These final two videos make reference to the Mentoring Handbook / Guide where you will find additional activities to support progress.

Tools and summing up 1
Tools and summing up 2

Quiz – Summing Up

Take the quiz to test your knowledge (opens in a new window)

Mentor Core Self-assessment Re-visited

We have included this as a way for you to gauge how you might have progressed as a mentor throughout this experience and your mentoring relationship.

Mentee Core Self-assessment Re-visited

We have included this as a way for you to gauge how you might have progressed as a mentee throughout this experience and your mentoring relationship.