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For aspiring women leaders | Advance HE | Developing a personal narrative
For aspiring women leaders
Aurora: Advanced HE’s leadership development initiative for women.
A unique partnership bringing together leadership experts and higher education institutes to take POSTIVE action to address the under-representation of women in leadership positions in the sector.
Explores the four areas associated with leadership success: Identity, impact and voice, power and politics, core leadership skills, adaptive leadership sills
This online course combines the best conferences, with the best development workshops.
The development days are intended to be introductory events which will provide inspirational stories, guidance for growth of skills and knowledge, opportunities to share solutions to common problems and signposting for further learning
Weblink: https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/programmes-events/aurora/how-does-aurora-work
Advance HE
Diversifying leadership, a programme which explores the themes of power and influence, demystifying leadership, cultural identity and cultural capital, increasing your visibility and authentic leadership.
This diversifying leadership programme is designed to support early-career academics and professional services from black, Asian and minority (BAME) backgrounds who are about to take their first steps into a leadership role.
Compromises of three one day online workshops, two facilitated online action learning sets and access to online recourses as part of the programme.
Institutions wanting to build a more diverse leadership pipeline will gain leaders better equipped to navigate organisational culture with a clearer perspective on their own potential- the potential of others- and how to access it.
Developing a personal narrative
How to develop a personal narrative.
Core beliefs: creating a philosophy of leadership centres on inspiring in others a passion for lifelong learning and creating opportunities for the intellectual and social development of people around me.
Creating a design cycle of these: conducting an annual needs assessment, establishing of programme targets, program development, program implementation and program evaluation.
Issues that cause confusion: Social, political, economic, and ethical divisions, embedded in societal constructions of race, gender, class, sexual orientation, and language, add to the increasing difficulty of finding common, philosophical ground on how to best provide our nation’s people with a world class education.
As a leader, collaborating, dialogue and teamwork, can help to break down the societal barriers constructed by institutions, such as schools to build a unifying, educational and super culture that will support the diverse and ever-changing needs of the 21st century teachers and learners.
Collaboration, teamwork and dialogue are cornerstones for the building of a firm, organisational foundations for generating institutional and community-based conversations to solve complex issues on education, and hopefully the broader society of the 21st century.
Building leadership capacity, is a key component for creating an environment supportive of lifelong learning and its reproduction within the cultures of school and society. Building a capacity in others to emerge as leaders, in their own right is a critical part of leading a group of people towards a common goal.
- Actively listening
- Taking time to reflect
- Demonstrating ethic of care in one’s words or actions.
Philosophy of leadership is to inspire in others a passion for life-long learning and establish opportunities for people to grow as intellectual and social beings
Weblink: https://www.sophia.org/tutorials/personal-leadership-narrative